CAS Financing and Investment
Catalog | Training given in partnership with the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève
Financial advisory services have become increasingly complex, requiring a panoramic vision of customers' objectives and needs, as well as a range of solutions that are innovative, distinctive and relevant to the bank's DNA and the profiles of existing and target customers.
This CAS examines both fundamental and innovative themes in the investment field, as well as peripheral issues such as financing, entrepreneurial services and wealth planning,
The knowledge and skills acquired in this CAS should enable the participant to acquire a tactical or strategic vision of how a bank or financial institution operates, so as to be able to:
- take part in an exploratory, informative or analytical discussion ;
- exchange with specialists or read their inputs (presentations, reports, etc.);
- make a well-founded decision, taking into account various parameters ;
- assess the relevance of potential solutions and the state of existing solutions ;
- make justified proposals ;
- follow trends and the direction of the theme.
Target audience
- Industry: employees of the banking sector and, more broadly, of financial or para-financial institutions (independent managers, asset managers, financial industry consultants, banking outsourcing companies).
- People working in the front-office sector (direct customer contact)
- Anyone wishing to move into management positions in the financial sector, requiring a thorough understanding of customer solutions.
The speakers selected jointly by ISFB and HEG have been working in banking and finance, or in their respective fields, for many years, and are recognized as some of the best experts in the ISFB ecosystem in French-speaking Switzerland.
Product Manager ISFB: Joseph Baud-Grasset
Training offered in partnership with the Geneva School of Management (HEG-Geneva).
Course duration and location
- 12 days
- Face-to-face, alternating between the HEG Geneva campus and the ISFB.
- Courses can also be held in Lausanne, depending on the session.
- Friday and Saturday all day
- Language : French
- HEG, Battelle Campus, Rue de la Tambourine 17, 1227 Carouge
- ISFB, Geneva, Rte des Jeunes 12, 1212 Grand-Lancy
Title issued
CAS in Finance and Investments. 12 ECTS credits.
Program composition
The CAS is made up of 4 modules of 3 ECTS credits over several days.
Module 1 - Financing
- Understand the functioning and key aspects of the main different financing methods for private customers
- Understand the workings and key aspects of the main financing methods for entrepreneurs
- Assess the stakes, contexts, risks and opportunities of different types of products/solutions for the institution and its customers
- Lay the foundations for analyzing a client's overall wealth situation
- Advise private clients in key investment-related areas
- Evaluate and benchmark the services provided against market needs and the competition
Module 2 - Niche investments
- Understand the key features and how the main niche investment solutions work
- Evaluate the appropriateness of investing in these solutions based on various parameters
- Briefly analyze the quality of an investment solution
- Evaluate and assess the importance and impact of aspects that may influence the performance of these assets, as well as their sources of risk.
- Know and understand the latest developments and trends in investment strategies for niche markets and sophisticated clienteles (UHNWI, GFI etc.)
Module 3 - Strategic aspects of investment
- Understand the architecture of the main investment strategies and their implications in terms of risk and performance
- Select an investment strategy based on key parameters, know its main variations and explain it to a client / defend it in front of a client
- Assess the potential of digital investment solutions as competing or complementary solutions
- Recognize customer (and market) behavioral biases and assess their impact on decision-making
- Evaluate and assess the importance and impact of aspects that may influence strategy performance
- Know and understand the latest developments and trends in investment strategies for niche markets and sophisticated clienteles (UHNWI, GFI etc.)
Module 4 - Macroeconomics and investment
- Understanding the stakes and odds of major economic trends
- Analyze an economic situation on the basis of a study article or graphs
- Assessing the potential influence of certain economic events on investment
- Understanding the interaction between different variables and economic situations
- Anticipate or position yourself on major trends through your investments
CHF 6'500.00 + HEG registration fee
Please register directly on the Haute Ecole de Gestion website. Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration conditions
Holders of a bachelor's degree or a qualification deemed equivalent by the program management. Holders of the ISFB Private Banking Certificate or the ISFB Retail & Corporate Banking Certificate may be admitted on an equivalent basis, subject to acceptance by the Program Management.
You can also fill in the information request form on this page. We will then contact you to answer any questions you may have about this course.
Opening of the next session
The CAS program will start in the first quarter of 2024. Pre-registration is now possible.
The date of the next session will be posted soon.
The full training schedule will be available here.