Bilan de compétences OCE

Catalog | Competency Development


Through its Bilans de compétences OCE product, ISFB helps banking specialists in career transition to assess and enhance their technical knowledge and financial know-how. Beneficiaries of the program take part in a group session at the Institute, during which they discuss their vision of the job market and their rebound strategies, and then take an individual online technical test on a business line of their choice. The program continues with the completion of an interaction preference questionnaire, to offer a complementary look at their technical and social skills. The third stage is carried out with an ISFB coach specialized in banking, and aims to articulate the identified technical skills and relational strengths and challenges with the needs of the job market, and to support the beneficiary in identifying a realistic personal action plan. In this way, the coach works with the beneficiary to identify areas for improvement, which may lead to further training. This approach makes it possible to assess the match between a candidate's profile and the requirements of his or her future position, and to assess his or her employability.

Target audience

  • Banking and finance specialists looking for a job, wishing to identify possible measures to maximize the chances of finding a position corresponding to their expectations and personal skills


Sessions are led by an expert (an expert banking coach, a former HR or HR BP coach).

Other elements

  • Please ask your Investment Advisor if you wish to benefit from this measure.
  • A report is provided to the client and the Investment Advisor at the end of the assessment.
  • Direct registration with ISFB not possible, please go through OCE

How will it work?

  • The OCE skills assessment is carried out in agreement with your OCE investment advisor, who will register you with the ISFB.

As soon as your registration has been validated

By default, the program looks like this:

  • 1 group session at the ISFB is organized every month, in the presence of other job seekers.
  • 1 online test (soft skills)
  • 1 online test (technical knowledge)
  • 1 individual restitution of the soft skills test and the technical test, with appreciation of the reading of the speaker and the client
  • Individualized report to job seeker and advisor

Following the skills assessment, ISFB can offer a range of customized support services on request.

Where will it happen?

  • The collective "kick-off" session takes place on the Institute's premises.
  • Both tests are done online
  • The feedback session takes place online


According to contract with OCE Genève

For other cantons, please contact us

The ISFB general terms and conditions apply to all beneficiaries.

Registration via your Investment Advisor only