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The power of connections: how building a strong network can transform your career

Networking goes far beyond the simple quest for professional opportunities; it's a powerful way to explore new perspectives, share innovative ideas and forge lasting partnerships.

Fundamentally rooted in a set of shared values or goals, the professional network forges itself into a community sharing values and emotions, offering the possibility of getting something out of it...or not!

How do you create/develop it?

Creating and maintaining an effective network is essential in today's connected world. A successful introduction to networking is based on establishing genuine relationships, active participation in relevant circles and a constant willingness to share and learn.

When identifying your professional or personal objectives, it's crucial to clearly define what you want to achieve, or what your goal is. Whether it's exploring new job opportunities, seeking expert advice, or creating strategic partnerships, your intentions will define the type of people you should be looking to meet.

Good news: we all have a network! Start with the individual base: family, friends, colleagues, former school or vocational training classmates, alumni network, sports clubs, parents and association members... These initial relationships can serve as a solid foundation for building awareness of your network.

According to sociologist Mark Granovetter's "The strength of weak ties", there are two types of connections you can use to expand your network: weak ties (distant, non-intimate people/friends of friends) versus strong ties (family and friends). According to him, the most effective ties in a job search are not strong ties, but rather weak ties. The reason: strong ties are made up of people who are similar and have the same types of information, whereas weak ties open up the field to new and probably previously unimagined perspectives.

With the advent of professional social networks such as LinkedIn, making new connections has become more accessible than ever. These platforms offer a digital showcase where you can highlight your skills, experience and professional interests. And, you can also check out your shared connections.

Physical meetings play a crucial role in building a thriving professional network. Beyond virtual interactions via Microsoft Teams, Zoom... or Webinars, face-to-face meetings enable deeper, more authentic exchanges. Direct contact fosters the creation of emotional bonds and offers unique opportunities to express one's personality, reinforcing mutual trust.

What are the mistakes to avoid?

In the quest for networking, it's crucial to avoid certain common mistakes, such as mentioning to your contacts right from the start that you're looking for something specific. This approach can put the other person in an uncomfortable position and compromise the authentic nature of the conversation. Your interlocutors may perceive that you're only looking to profit from the relationship, which can be counter-productive. It's essential to create relationships based on trust and reciprocity.

We often make the mistake of thinking that we can create or activate our network as soon as we need it, but in reality we need to build it up beforehand!

Don't expect an immediate return from your network. You're going to develop it day by day over the long term, and above all, you're going to follow it up over the long term! You need to pamper your contacts and provide them with content, or be useful to them... For example: forward press articles or content that might be of interest to your network.

"Less is more" in networking! You have to build your network with care, freeing yourself from the fact that there are so-called strategic connections and others less so. Everyone is essential. That's why it's important to have an eclectic and select network, while at the same time sharing common interests and values.

Get rid of shyness: it's important to remain natural when networking! We regularly meet people who are uncomfortable with the idea of developing new relationships and talking to people they don't know. Just be curious, friendly and positive. But don't overdo it! Ask open-ended questions, be a good listener and show genuine interest.

Bringing your network to life goes beyond simply collecting contacts. It's a constant process of construction and maintenance. Patience and perseverance are the keys to successful networking.

In conclusion, networking is much more than a business strategy. It's an art that requires a thoughtful approach, effective time management and a deep understanding of human relationships. Building a strong network can clearly open unexpected doors, providing essential support through mentoring and enabling you to thrive in the ever-changing professional world. The network is the sounding board of a career, but it doesn't take away from the fact that your professional trajectory will be influenced as much by your skills and the context in which you evolve as by your personal motivation.




Adelaide Gorchynskyy and Julie Guittard

Michael Page

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"Good news: we all have a network!

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