Career development

Why ongoing training is a key to success

Continuing training is a key success factor for individuals and companies alike, enabling them to develop their skills, grow in all areas and adapt to the job market.

An article co-authored by Shékina Rochat (UNIL) and Mathias Baitan (ISFB) for Harvard Business Review France. HBR France, 31.01.2024

Individuals are naturally motivated by goals, social relationships and learning. Continuing education meets all these needs, making it essential to personal fulfillment in all spheres of life, including career.

Hope as a performance driver

Engaging in continuing education means projecting oneself into a better future, starting from one's current situation and setting challenging goals that one believes are achievable. In psychology, we call this hope. Committing yourself to continuing education means betting on yourself, on your ability to adapt and evolve. And it's a winning bet, because hope is a factor in performance at work.

A meta-analysis of 45 studies involving a sample of 11,139 employees has shown that hope is significantly and positively linked to job performance, job satisfaction, commitment to the company and...


Dr Shékina Rochat

Senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Lausanne

Dr. Mathias Baitan

Managing Director, Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire

"Continuing education is not just an investment in the future. It is also an opportunity to come to terms with the past. It allows us to value the life and training choices we've made, putting them in context and recognizing them as milestones on a path that can still evolve (rather than as choices that forever determine our professional trajectory)."

Strategic Business Area 3

Career development

In addition to its range of technical and managerial training courses, the ISFB offers its member banks' human resources departments a range of guidance and career management services.

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