Public speaking with pizzazz!

Hub ISFB | Thematic meetings

Thematic meeting reserved for ISFB Hub registrants

Public speaking with pizzazz!

Content of the meeting

Fear of public speaking is the most common fear, but it manifests itself very differently from one person to the next. So how can we captivate and leave a lasting impression when we speak, based on who we are and how we function? This round table, open to everyone, with or without experience, will give us the opportunity to pool our perceptions and explore new strategies together. In the process, we may uncover a few nuggets to spice up our future presentations and make them even more memorable.


Martine Corthesy

Since the age of 6, Martine Corthésy has explored various performing arts: theater, singing, circus and improvisation. After a detour into television and then radio, she trained professionally in maieutics alongside an unexpected career in private banking, during which she created the position of Effectiveness Manager. An entrepreneur for almost ten years now, she excels in public speaking and on-camera coaching, combining her artistic experience with her communications expertise.

Date and place of the meeting

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 6pm to 7:30pm, at the Institut, Rte des Jeunes 12, 1212 Grand-Lancy

Terms and conditions

Free access for ISFB Hub registrants only.

Registration is required via the form opposite.

Registration for the thematic meeting