"We are the Competence and Career Center for banks and financial institutions in French-speaking Switzerland."

more than 50 members institutional

Gathered within our Association, they account for nearly 80% of salaried employment in the sector.

See all members

Our mission

Our mission is to promote the skills and career development of people working in banking and finance throughout French-speaking Switzerland.

Our customers

Our clientele is made up of institutional members, as well as individuals and public bodies.

What people say about us

"The courses offered at ISFB enable us to maintain a strong link between theory and practice."

"In my view, holding a certificate issued by the ISFB represents an important value for the employability of its holder."

"ISFB represents an extremely interesting local ecosystem in terms of skills and know-how".

"ISFB has real legitimacy with employers and employees."

"The ISFB is very well integrated into the economic and academic fabric of French-speaking Switzerland, which means that we can provide top-quality, up-to-date training".

"The ISFB makes perfect sense in supporting banking specialists in their professional transition."

The recognition of our training courses by all our member banks is what sets us apart.

The vast majority of banking establishments committed to responsible employer branding policies opt for the ISFB to guarantee their employees a high level of employability, with diplomas recognized throughout French-speaking Switzerland.

We value face-to-face interaction, which is why many of our services are offered directly at our Institute or in our Members' offices.

Of course, we're also equipped with a professional broadcast studio for remote production of specific or on-demand sessions, but always in real time.

This live interaction between our participants and the experts in our network is a considerable asset, making a significant contribution to the development of career paths.

Five tips for making the right choice

As a Skills and Career Center, our approach is systematically global in all our interactions. We offer comprehensive support, covering both continuing professional development and skills assessment, as well as career development coaching, whether for progression or through more complex times. Our team of experts includes economists, lawyers, psychologists and IT specialists, all active in various roles within the banking sector. In this way, the ISFB has established itself not only as a central place for exchanges between working professionals, but also as a space to support retraining throughout the financial sector.

Our mission as a not-for-profit professional association is to meet the training and career development needs of our members and their employees. Since 1987, our Institute has been firmly integrated into the banking sector throughout French-speaking Switzerland. Deeply rooted in the region's economy and academic community, we maintain close connections with both our institutional members and key players in the field of skills development. Thanks to this permanent immersion, we fully understand the specific characteristics of our market.

Who are our members?

Our main strength, which we cultivate daily, is our ability to be pragmatic. We adhere to a flexible yet organized management approach, which enables us to meet the requirements of our institutional clients with efficiency. Our people are seasoned professionals, straight from the field, offering practical and directly applicable skills. In addition, we follow a three-year strategic plan that provides us with clear direction, while giving us the flexibility to constantly adjust our range of services in response to dynamic changes in our sector.

What sets us apart

Our business areas

As a Competence and Career Center for banking and finance, ISFB offers a comprehensive range of services designed to support industry specialists throughout their career.

  • Visit training is the central pillar of our offering. It is aimed primarily at our institutional members, but also at all those working in banking and finance in French-speaking Switzerland. As a professional association, we aim to maximize the collective skills of our members.


  • ISFB is also the only accredited non-profit organization in French-speaking Switzerland to organize certification exams. certification SAQ certification exams for its member banks.


  • When it comes to career developmentThe Institute works closely with human resources departments to help them develop their talents and potential. It also supports anyone wishing to develop professional facets or direct their career towards a specific goal. Our consultants are also experienced in assessing banking skills. The Institute thus offers professional support to experts in transition, by assessing and enhancing their technical skills and financial expertise.


  • This is how the ISFB fulfils its role as an associative hub that contributes to the network of expertise network of expertise.

Technical and managerial training in all areas of banking and finance.


Preparation for Swiss and international certification exams such as SAQ, CFA, CAIA.


Career development in banking.


Conferences, organization of expert circles, dissemination of skill-related news.

Become a member

Are you a banking or financial institution based in Switzerland and would like to join our association? Join us and take part in developing the competitiveness and collective intelligence of the financial center.

Membership conditions

  • Swiss banks and financial institutions listed in the CR and registered with FINMA
  • Other Swiss financial institutions
Become a member

About us

Founded in 1987 as a not-for-profit professional association, the ISFB now brings together over fifty banking and financial institutions throughout French-speaking Switzerland.

Institutional members
Board of Directors
The team and the experts

Since 1987,

For over thirty years, our Institute has been active in supporting skills development and career advancement within the banking industry.

we're there when our members need us,

As a professional association, we build our service offering specifically on your expressed needs. This is certainly our unique value proposition: we focus on maximizing the collective and individual competencies of our members, where the collective feels it is truly useful.

to contribute to the development of skills in the financial center

As well as training technical experts, the Institut also helps to forge the managerial skills of tomorrow's middle and top managers. That's why we've added a wide range of management training courses to our catalog. For example, you'll find our Future of Finance Certificate, which enables managers to project themselves into the world of digitalization without any initial IT skills, to better grasp the challenges of tomorrow, or our Banking Management and Adaptability Certificate, which aims to develop the managerial profile of banking executives in an increasingly complex environment, by working in particular on their cognitive elasticity.

and develop the employability of all finance experts.

As a skills and career center, we complement our training offer with a personalized support service, aimed at your experts or executives wishing to develop a specific facet of their professional style. All this is possible thanks to the help of the best professionals active in our industry, such as former HR managers or career development consultants.

Participating in the ISFB ecosystem means..:

As an institutional member:

  • Develop your employer brand by affirming your company's support for employee skills development;
  • Issue your specialists with certificates recognized by all our member banks; 
  • Access to a vast network of expertise in technical and managerial skills across all banking professions;
  • Contribute to the development of ISFB's offering by participating in our scientific committees;
  • Access to a preferential rate reserved for members and their employees.

As a private individual:

  • Maintain employability by aiming for a certificate that is valued and recognized by the job market;
  • Be part of a wide network of skills and local exchanges throughout French-speaking Switzerland;
  • Access a dynamic catalog of high-quality services specific to the banking and finance sector.

Reference partners

  • SwissbankingSwiss Bankers Association supports ISFB offer
  • Swiss Association for QualityISFB is authorized to produce and administer written and oral examinations to SAQ standards.
  • FSEAISFB is a member of the Swiss Federation for Continuing Education.

  • Fondation Genève Place Financière: The Director of the Fondation Genève Place Financière sits on the Board of the ISFB.

  • Geneva Business SchoolGeneva Business School: ISFB and HEG-Geneva have signed a long-term partnership to provide academic training leading to the award of CAS/DAS degrees in banking and finance.

  • State of Geneva: ISFB diplomas of more than 14 days are recognized by the canton and co-signed by the Minister in charge of the Department of Public Education. The ISFB is also the service provider for the Office Cantonal de l'Emploi (Cantonal Employment Office) in terms of employability support for job seekers.
  • FFPC: ISFB is the professional association representing continuing professional education in the banking and finance sector in Geneva.

  • Swiss AssessmentISFB is an ordinary member of Swiss Assessment

ISFB speakers

Lecturers, coaches, examination experts, skills advisors.

Would you like to join our team? In what capacity?

ISFB's experts include economists, IT specialists, lawyers, experts in banking operations and support units, customer advisors, as well as skills assessment advisors, psychologists and specialized coaches. Photo taken in January 2024 at the Institut.

The ISFB team

General Management, Marketing and Communications, Continuing Education, Skills Development, Finance and Administration, Operations...

Would you like to join our team? In what capacity?

Get to know our team members individually

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We plan one mailing per month to keep you up to date with ISFB news. We also share with you certain events of interest to your career path: prize-giving celebrations, new programs, special offers, interviews, employment and industry news. Your e-mail address is only used to send you this type of information and is not shared with third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link included in each of our e-mails.