Catalog - Management and Human Resources2024-01-09T17:47:06+01:00

Training Catalogue

Management and Human Resources

Technical competence is fundamental, as it forms the basis of any profession. This initial knowledge, and the know-how that comes with it through experience, is the foundation of anyone wishing to act positively within an organization. However, to be able to interact with the system in which they evolve, they need to develop not only technical skills, but also a whole panoply of social skills - to better collaborate with others - as well as analytical skills - to better understand and apprehend the environment in which they operate.

Flagship product

ISFB Certificate in Banking Management and Adaptability

This certificate is intended for all current and future managers at member banks, and is the essential foundation for managerial positions. In this training course, executives work on their managerial role in situations of uncertainty: they focus on their personal organization techniques and their ability to structure the group they lead; they develop techniques for analyzing and understanding data; they understand the tools for preventing and managing their own stress in uncomfortable situations.

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