Programme de préparation à la certification SAQ CWMA

Catalogue | Certification CWMA

Could you tell us about your career path and your initial and continuing training?

I have been working in Private Banking since 2011 starting off as an Assistant RM in the Wealth Management division at BSI SA, Bahrain Branch.

In my 13 years of working in the private banking sphere, I have honed by skills and developed my knowledge in the different elements of this business from private banking support, to the investment and advisory universe, credit and wealth management services. The CMWA certification covered every component and topic that could be faced by a senior private banker. It further solidified the knowledge required and gave guidance on structure needed to best serve the HNWI and UHNWI space.

You obtained your CWMA SAQ Certification in 2023. What was your state of mind at the start of the certification process?

I was initially taken aback by the amount of information and material that we needed to cover, especially since there were already many changes happening on the work front that needed attention.

If you had to advise future SAQ certified people, what advice would you give them?

Proper planning is key – do not to leave the studying to the last minute!

Rinad Khudair, EFG Bank

La certification est un processus parfois perçu négativement par les personnes concernées. Nous visons à transformer cette contrainte en opportunité grâce à des formations de qualité en présentiel favorisant l’échange et le réseautage, mais également au moyen de contacts rapprochés avec les responsables RH et formation afin de profiter de ce processus pour accompagner le développement des compétences au sein de leurs établissements. La certification devient ainsi, au-delà d’un gage de sécurité et de respect des normes, un vrai levier de performance pour les établissements bancaires.

Maryse Gabbay, Responsable Certifications, ISFB

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