SAQ CWMA exams without preparation
Catalog | CWMA Certification
Would you like to take the SAQ CWMA exams without taking further training? Yes, you can. You take two written tests (A and B), followed by an oral test.
You must achieve a minimum score of 70% on both written exams (A and B); no average is calculated between the two tests. No feedback is given on your results other than the final score.
Once you have passed the two written tests (A and B), you can register for the oral exam. A score on the oral exam must also be at least 70% to be acquired.
Passing all three tests (A, B, oral) awards SAQ CWMA certification.
Any make-up exams will be billed.
Target audience
Anyone working for a bank or external asset manager in direct contact with customers in the HNWI or UHNWI segment: relationship managers, investment advisors, assistants*, etc.
*For certification eligibility, please contact us.
Key objective
- Take the SAQ CWMA exams at your own pace, without group preparation, with the option of an e-learning solution.
The program is composed as follows:
Administration and reporting with SAQ
- Complete administrative and reporting follow-up with SAQ
- Registration fee for SAQ certificate included in package
Placement tests (mock exams)
- 2 written placement tests (part A & part B)
- 2 written exams (part A & part B)
- 1 oral exam
CHF 3,000.00 (member price) + optional 4-hour preparatory training (CHF 1,250.00, member price)
CHF 4'000.00 (non-member price)
The member prices apply to all ISFB member institutes and their employees.
Please complete the online application form.
Your registration will then be considered firm and definitive. You will receive an ad-hoc invoice.
We will then contact you to arrange a date for the mock exams (placement test).
Once you have completed the placement tests, you can register for the final tests at your convenience.
The general conditions of the ISFB apply as soon as you validate our offer.
Exam dates
Exam dates are available here.